Frequently asked questions

BLKbook is the fastest growing black-owned business directory!

BLKbook was designed to build a stronger Black Community by highlighting Black-owned businesses across the world.


BLKbook is 100% free for business owners to submit and manage their business page.

BLKBook is for anyone who wants to shop, network, and/or support Black-owned businesses and continue to empower the Black community.

BLKbook encourages owners and shoppers alike to submit businesses in hopes to continue the growth of the directory.

BLKbook encourages businesses that identify as “majority black-owned” to submit.

If you come across your business already posted on BLKbook, it was likely submitted in hopes of growing the directory. If you would like to edit, claim, or remove your page, email us at [email protected].


BLKbook gathers business information by researching various social media sites. You can claim your business by clicking the “claim business” button on your business page.


BLKbook is now available for download on the App Store & Google Play Store