a family buying groceries in a supermarket

BLKbook, Why Now? The Black Business Strategy

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This concept of having an online black business directory is not new. It’s essentially the 21st-century version of The Negro Motorist Green Book, which provided our ancestors a roadmap to navigate the Jim Crow 1930s-60s. Author Victor H. Green said he created it, “to give the Negro traveler information that will keep him from running into difficulties, embarrassments and to make his trip more enjoyable.”

Nearly 85 years later, some issues The Green Book looked to solve still exist. No need to go through the countless viral videos of Black people being questioned or forcibly removed from an establishment simply because of their presence. Instead, I want to talk about how we can support and empower OUR BUSINESSES in OUR COMMUNITY.

What Makes BLKbook Different

One thing I am proud to say about BLKbook is, it’s free to submit and control your Business Page. I find this critical to establishing another goal, which is creating a sense of community among black business owners and shoppers. In a world so divided, the last thing needed is a price system restricting us from connecting Black-owned businesses across the globe.

So, what now? First, thank you for taking the time to read my Black Business Strategy for BLKbook. If you lasted this long, it’s worth letting you in on a few future updates planned, like… an App coming to the App Store and Google Play. Maybe you’re a business owner and you want to appear on our upcoming Podcast/Video Series, BLKBusiness Spotlight – highlighting black-owned businesses. And that’s just the tip of the iceberg.

Join in the revolution of empowering our community, there are many ways:

Feature Photo by Greta Hoffman from Pexels

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a family buying groceries in a supermarket

BLKbook, Why Now? The Black Business Strategy

This concept of having an online black business directory is not new. It’s essentially the 21st-century version of The Negro Motorist Green Book, which provided