Tubman Museum

About the Business

The Tubman invites you on an Adventure from Africa to America – No passport needed!
Since 1981, thousands of people from around the world have experienced art and history at the Tubman Museum of African American Art, History, and Culture. We are more than just a museum — we are an educational adventure through time.
What you can expect at The Tubman:
Take a journey from Africa to America! Begin your adventure with local artist Wilfred Stroud’s nine-panel mural that chronicles the struggles and triumphs of the African American experience.
Dive deep into African tradition through authentic African art. Grasp a deeper understanding of the past through our contemporary African-American, as well as, Southeastern art and folk art galleries.
Enter the brilliant minds of African American inventors, scientists, and entrepreneurs in our “From the Minds of African Americans” gallery.
One visit is never enough! You can expect special exhibitions throughout the year from internationally renowned artists.

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